
Annual Update Part 7: Understanding Risks Associated with Hiring

September 15, 2022 at 9:30am10:30am

Join Verrill for its seventh session of the 2022 virtual Labor & Employment Annual Update Series with attorney Tawny Alvarez. Most employers presume that liability and possible lawsuits from employees take shape once an individual is employed. In fact, however, significant risk (both from administrative agencies and from individual plaintiffs) is present even before an employee’s first day of work. Tawny will discuss best practices to limit employment-related claims prior to the employer/employee relationship being established. This seminar will cover appropriate and inappropriate information to include in a job ad, risk factors that are present during interviews, background screening laws and best practices, and content of employment agreements and offer letters to appropriately set the stage for what the employer and employee expect moving forward.

RSVP online here.


Webinars are 60 minutes each and provide 1 Maine CLE and 1 SHRM credit.

CLE Certificate

SHRM Certificate

If you can not attend this event but are interested in receiving a copy of this presentation, contact [email protected]